All The Facts About Dehumidifiers

What You Need to Know About Dehumidifiers

While much focus is on temperature, humidity can make life inside the home just as uncomfortable. In fact, there are many issues that are caused just by humid air alone. This is what makes dehumidifiers so important to have a comfortable home. But what exactly is a dehumidifier and how does it work? Local Willoughby HVAC technicians are here to give homeowners all of the facts.

What Exactly Is a Dehumidifier?

A dehumidifier is essentially an electronic appliance that removes the excess moisture from the air in the home. They work very similarly to the way a vacuum cleaner works, with the dehumidifier taking in the humid air, removing the moisture, and blowing the less humid air back out into the room.

There are two different types of dehumidifiers, condensate, and desiccant. Condensate (or refrigerant-based) dehumidifiers are by far the most common, but desiccant (or absorption) dehumidifiers are still occasionally found in homes and businesses.

Signs that the home may benefit from a dehumidifier are:


  • Wet Stains on the Walls or Ceiling
  • Unpleasantly Stuff Rooms
  • Condensation on the Windows
  • Musty Odors
  • Visible Mold

Dehumidifiers can be installed as part of a home HVAC system or as a stand-alone unit. They are mostly sized by the amount of moisture they can remove, rated by the pints of moisture that can be removed from the air in a 24 hour period.

The Benefits of Dehumidifiers

The benefits of having a dehumidifier in the home are nearly endless. Possibly the number one benefit of a dehumidifier is the ability to prevent mold. In larger amounts, mold has the potential to be dangerous to the health of everyone living or visiting the home. Symptoms of mold-related health concerns include things like wheezing, itchy throat, cough, and eye irritation.
The Benefits of Dehumidifiers

In addition to preventing mold, dehumidifiers also generally improve the air quality in the home. They work best when combined with an air purifier to keep the humidity at a healthy level (between 40 – 50%) and free of toxins.

Dehumidifiers also can reduce the amount of energy needed to cool the home. With a lower amount of humidity in the home, the home’s air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard to lower the temperature.

What Type of Maintenance Do Dehumidifiers Need?

Dehumidifier Maintenance
One of the most important dehumidifier maintenance tips is to change the condensate bucket, exhaust, and air intake grilles at least once a month. This makes sure that the water can’t build up and encourage the growth of mold.
In addition, the dehumidifier will need its air filter changed at least once, but optimally twice a year. This will also inhibit mold growth and keep the unit running at its most efficient. Filters vary depending on the brand and unit, so make sure to check with the owner’s manual for specifications.

However, having a professional HVAC technician come out to evaluate the unit is often the best course of action. This should be done on an annual basis to keep the dehumidifier running at its most optimal.

About Anderson Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electric

Anderson Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electric is located in Willoughby, Ohio. It opened in 1982, and it continues to be the best residential heating and cooling services company in Lake County. The team at Anderson Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electric provides exceptional customer service from start to finish and offers many HVAC services to accommodate your heating and cooling needs.

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